Author: Michelle Prince
Everyone has the opportunity to find their joy, carve out their niche, and identify a personalized and unique way to leave their mark on the world. But, sadly, most people are too “busy being busy” to truly discover their passion and purpose, and to use that as a concrete guide to a happier, more fulfilling, […]
When it comes to building a good team in your workplace, it’s important to have in mind a DISC profile of your possible team members. This will help you make the best choices for your team. It also prevents hit and miss with your team’s eventual success. To be successful as a team, everyone needs […]
If you’ve positioned yourself as a voice of authority – perhaps by publishing a book or building a strong reputation in your field – then you’ll likely be asked to give a talk. This is because your initial success naturally leads to other opportunities. And speaking engagements are up there with the main ones. Leaders, […]
Authenticity has become something of a buzz word and risks losing any real meaning if we’re not careful. So it’s worth looking at why it’s so important as a character trait. Think of the people you most admire and look up to. They might be larger-than-life global figures or folks in your everyday world. Chances […]
More productive? Most folks already find themselves overwhelmed and in a constant juggling act of tackling responsibilities on an everyday basis. These range from handling errands at home, to focusing on multiple projects and deadlines at work, and everything in between. Multitasking has become the norm. Isn’t that productive? Well, no. The problem is that […]
The topic of DISC assessment is well worth looking at. In this article, we’ll explain why. If you’re involved in leadership, you already know that one of the biggest challenges is working with a wide range of very different people. Everyone has their own unique skill sets, personalities, and preferred work environment. And because of […]
How Becoming the Authority in Your Field Can Help Your Business – Featuring Michelle Prince on The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast Listen to the Podcast or read the summary by clicking here: How Becoming The Authority In Your Field Can Help Your Business Michelle was a guest on Entrepreneur MBA and was interviewed by Stephen Halasnik […]
No one thinks they have limiting beliefs. But what if we do? And does it matter? Chances are that you have a set of big lofty goals that have been lingering in your mind for a very long time. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to write a book? Or start a new career? Or travel the world? Despite your passions or current life path, […]
If you’re new to a leadership role of any kind, building your skills with these leadership tips is the key to success. Someone higher up has recognized your skills and expertise. You’ve taken a big step forward on your career path, regardless of where it leads. But you’re still a new manager! And although managers […]
For many authors and self-publishers, Amazon is both the first step to marketing and publishing a book. It is also the gateway to eventual success. As the leading bookseller in the world, Amazon allows new authors the potential ability to reach millions of readers around the world. On the site, you will find success stories […]
Businesses and companies of all sizes can sometimes find themselves in a bit of a rut. A great way to boost morale, foster productivity, and generate a new sense of employee satisfaction and purpose is to look outside for a little help. A motivational speaker is a great way to generate a big boost, and […]
If you’re like most ambitious and motivated people, then you are likely bogged down by a routine of “busy being busy.” Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up. But despite this common problem, being frantically busy is not a healthy mindset. Staying constantly busy, with a long to-do list that […]
Do you have a long list of action items that you want to accomplish, but haven’t quite gotten around to setting and achieving these goals? Or do you have a vague sense of how you want to move forward in your career, finances, or just in everyday life, but, don’t have a concrete path on […]
Whether you are a seasoned writer or just getting started on exploring a new craft, you may find that the initial steps to writing a complete non-fiction book can be a little daunting. You know what you want your story to be and have a good sense of how it should unfold, but how can […]
Embarking on a leadership development program can improve your life in more ways than one. Strictly speaking, a leadership development program will help you perform better at your job. And help you communicate more effectively with your team members. As well as put you on a path for further opportunities in your career. But a […]