Ready to Share the Work? Tips for Co-Writing A Book

6 Mar, 2019 Book Writing,Events,Getting Published

Perhaps you don’t have enough time to give your book the attention it deserves. Or perhaps you’re tackling a topic where other voices and points of view can enhance the story. Regardless of your specific reasons, co-writing a book with a colleague, friend, or fellow writer can boost your work from start to finish. It also allows you to share the legwork that it takes to complete your story.

In fact, co-writing has become more and more popular in recent years. This is especially true in the nonfiction realm where a wealth of information can be interpreted and shared in a myriad of different ways. With a co-writer, you atomically have an extra pair of eyes for editing, and a unique voice to enhance your topic. And you even have a friend who can help you get through any obstacles along the way.

Have you been thinking about joining forces with a writer friend or colleague? Read on to uncover the steps that will make a partnership successful from start to finish.

Don’t Want to Go it Alone? Five Tips for Co-Authors

1. Work out the administrative details in advance

When your book is published, how will you split the proceeds?

Where will the funds be deposited?

And how will potential tax deductions or liabilities be addressed?

It’s essential to answer these questions early on to ensure there’s no confusion much later in the process. A new and combined bank account, LLC, or other designated partnership may come in handy financially when your book is published, and you’re ready to share the success.


2. Co-create the outline

You and your co-author will want to ensure you’re on the same page from the get go, so start by outlining how your book will progress.

You don’t have to get too specific in the early stages – just a mock-up of key points and developments will work to ensure you’re both adhering to a similar story line.


3. Determine your author roles

When it’s time to put pen to paper, (or fingertips to keyboard), how will the work be divvied up?

The answer to this question may not be as obvious as it initially seems, as there are all sorts of ways to manage a writing partnership. Perhaps you divide your story by chapters or subject matter, or perhaps you have one person focused on research, and the other concentrating on the actual writing process.

Talk about your individual strengths and weaknesses, and use that as a guideline to divide the work.


4. Share, and share often

There are tons of modern ways to continually share your collective work so you can ensure your writing continues to align in the days and weeks to come.

Set up a shared online document you both can access, or just set up regular meetings, emails, or phone calls to keep track of what you’ve accomplished.

When working as a team, constant communication is key for your story to flow naturally.


5. Pick your publisher early

Publishing your story is arguably the most important and final part of the process, so find a publisher you can both stand behind, and who will help you with the nitty gritty details when it’s time to go to press.

Select a partner publisher who can handle all the essentials and then some, such as copyediting, cover design, and distribution. This way, you both can rest assured that your combined story is in good hands when it’s time to share it with the world.


Having a co-author can be a good idea, if you follow the right protocol to avoid mishaps and misunderstandings. It could even be beneficial in more ways than you’d realize!

Need more ideas for budding authors and publishing? Book Bound Workshop is a three day event to learn everything you’ll need to know to get that story out of your head and on to paper! Join the event this June in Dallas, Tx. You’ll get a wealth of knowledge and a new network of authors – and maybe find a co-author along the way!

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Ready to Share the Work? Tips for Co-Writing A Book
Co-writing may be a great way to both reduce your workload and enhance your story! Read on to see how you can craft a successful partnership from the start.

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