I have A Story! But How Do I Get My Book Published?

9 Aug, 2018 Book Writing,Publishing,self-publishing

When it comes to publishing a book, there are lots of decisions you have to make. There are also many options to choose from before you are finally able to share your masterpiece with the world.


There’s always the dilemma of whether you should self-publish your books or do things the traditional way: i.e. find a professional publisher for your book. The answer to this common question lies in one’s circumstances and preferences.


There are pros and cons to both options, and it’s up to you to decide which method will work best for you.


The biggest misconception most first-time authors have is that their book MUST be picked up by a publishing house, if they want to get their book into the hands of readers. But the truth is, you can do it yourself!


Believe it or not, self-publishing is a simple recipe.


If you have a story, and you’re motivated to share the story and change lives, nothing should come between you and that dream. It’s YOUR LEGACY — don’t you want to leave an impact on this Earth even long after you’re gone?


Now, like I said, there are tons of great reasons to self-publish, but there are also a few drawbacks.


Some Drawbacks to Self-Publishing


1. Higher Starting Costs

You’ll have to think about:

  • Editing
  • Cover design
  • Printing
  • Binding
  • Marketing, etc.


These are costs that a traditional publishing house will normally cover. But when you’re doing it solo, the cost falls in your lap.


2. Reach & Awareness

Marketing will be 100% UP TO YOU.


Getting your book in front of readers is totally doable, but it will take your full commitment. No one’s gonna do it all for you!


3. Finding Your Own Printers & Designers

Compared to traditional publishers, you’ll have to seek out and hire your own printers and designers.


You may have to do a little extra research to find top-tier suppliers, but banking on higher quality will always pay off!



On the flip side, if you do opt for the self-publishing route, I promise you won’t regret it!



Advantages of Self-Publishing


Self-publishing authors set their own book price.

This is totally up to you, and will depend on how much your initial costs are versus how much you want to earn.


Some authors don’t even sell their book, and just use it as their business card!



You maintain ALL publishing rights.

When you go with a traditional publisher, they own the rights to your book.



Traditional publishing houses take longer to print.

More often than not, self-publishers get their book printed and out faster because they don’t have to rely on the timetable of a big firm.


That means you can share your story with those who need it most, sooner!



Self-publishers have FULL CONTROL over every aspect of their book.

From editing and content, to design and distribution — you call the shots.


Same goes for your marketing strategy, who you want to target, the type of speaking engagements you want to attend, and so on.



The self-publisher route is for individuals who want to take a more independent, personalized route. Self-publishing is for ANYONE, and I believe EVERYONE has a story to share.



It’s this core belief that founded my Book Bound Workshop, which has empowered THOUSANDS of authors to write their book and share their story.


In this three-day live event, you’ll discover everything you need to finally write, publish and market YOUR book to make an impact in this world.


I want to see YOU at our next Book Bound By The Sea on January 25-27 in sunny Destin, Florida.


Learn more about Book Bound By The Sea!


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Article Name
I have A Story! But How Do I Get My Book Published?
Have you ever thought about writing your story down, and getting it published? Here you can compare self-publishing to traditional, and see how easy it is to get your story out there!

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