Do You Have Impostor Syndrome?

30 Mar, 2017 Personal Development

Impostor syndrome is the phenomenon when a high-achieving individual struggles with accepting their own accomplishments and holds anxiety about being exposed as a “fraud.”

In simple terms, you are afraid of success and that fear of success holds you back from achieving your full potential.

Perhaps it’s the book project you’ve been sitting on for weeks, months or years; or your hesitance to launch your dream business. Whatever it is, it’s time to get to the bottom of it.

Individuals with Impostor Syndrome

Those with impostor syndrome are typically high-achieving talented individuals, which makes the situation so ironic!

Impostor syndrome found its name in 1978 when two psychologists described it as the feeling of “phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.”

The primary struggle of impostor syndrome is when an individual discounts a skill they have because it comes naturally or without much effort.

We tend to believe something good must take excessive struggle and strife, to be valuable. When impostor syndrome strikes, we hold ourselves back from our highest potential and ultimately underachieve.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome can be paralyzing, but there are a couple of ways you can work through it and come out on top:

1. Do What You’re Good At

Don’t over think it! Regardless of how you might perceive your skill, simply create value. If you write, let the words flow! If you’re a business savant, get crackin’ on your business plan.

Put your ideas into action and get the ball rolling on some serious value creation.

2. Share Your Value with Others

Bringing value to others can mean a multitude of different things. It could mean creating a painting for a loved one, baking a cake for your church or redecorating your child’s bedroom. 

On the other hand, you may find a way to monetize your value. Just remember, value is value is value and it doesn’t look the same for everyone.


What comes easily to you, may be extremely hard for another — don’t undervalue your skills!

Embracing your impostor syndrome can help you see beyond its barriers. Acknowledge your fear, even if it means working on it every single day.

Do you have impostor syndrome? If so, recognize it, take action to manage it and finally, don’t allow it to stop you from achieving your dreams!

How are you bringing value to your business or book? Let us know in the comments below!

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Article Name
Do You Have Impostor Syndrome?
Impostor syndrome is the phenomenon when a high-achieving individual struggles with accepting their own accomplishments and holds anxiety about being exposed as a “fraud.”

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