Archives: Products

The Power of Authority

7 Nov, 2019

Authoring a book is the best way to become the leading authority in your field. Becoming an author gives you instant credibility. It can increase your sales, lead to free publicity, and it opens up all kinds of new and exciting doors for building your business.

Busy Being Busy – Book

20 Dec, 2015

In her newest book, Michelle Prince shares powerful tips and techniques to make you more productive in your personal and professional life. She will show you the way to get more done in less time while still enjoying the journey. Put down those juggling balls and walk with Michelle to overcome procrastination and take action […]

Winning In Life Now – Book

20 Dec, 2015

Do you want more for your life? Would you like to be happier, more successful, have stronger relationships and live an extraordinary life? Who wouldn’t want all that? The problem is so many people live their entire life wishing for more instead of living their best life. In this book, Michelle Prince will show you […]

Your Book Is Your Business Card – Book

12 Dec, 2015

When you become an author, you instantly become more credible in the eyes of your clients, prospects, family and friends. Discover the power writing a book can have on your personal and professional life by understanding how your author status can radically increase revenue streams and catapult your business to levels previously unimaginable.

Winning Relationships – CD

16 Nov, 2015

Let’s face it; we all want to have good relationships. We all want to be loved and accepted. Yet many of us find ourselves in relationships that are draining, negative and even painful. Life is not easy but our relationships with the people in our life do not have to be hard. The “Winning Relationships” […]

Living Your Purpose – CD

15 Nov, 2015

Is your life so busy that you can’t stop long enough to ask whether there is a purpose behind all this activity? Do you wake up, go to work, pay the bills, and simply exist – doing the same thing day in and day out because you think it’s what you should be doing? Do […]

Busy Being Busy – CD

14 Nov, 2015

Listen as Michelle shares powerful techniques to conquer procrastination and live your best life now.

How to Be Successful At Setting Goals – DVD

12 Nov, 2015

Zig Ziglar Documentary DVD. Length: 85 minutes. Released February 17, 2017.

Busy Being Busy – DVD

12 Nov, 2015

Watch Michelle live as she presents strategies to help you stop “Being Busy Being Busy” and live a happier, more productive life!

The Power of Belief – DVD

17 Oct, 2015

Michelle Prince’s “The Power of Belief” DVD will help you overcome obstacles that are keeping you from achieving your goals so you can begin living the life of your dreams. You’ll learn EXACTLY how to EXPLODE through your limiting beliefs…Plus, how to stop those negative limiting beliefs that are holding you back and start living […]

Breakthrough to a Happier You – 4 CD Set

18 Sep, 2015

Here’s Your Chance To Start Living Your EXTRAORDINARY Life Today That Is Full Of Passion, Success & Happiness! In “Break Through to a Happier You” 4-CD Set, you’ll learn all the secrets to guide you through creating a life that you love and how you can live an EXTRAORDINARY life today!

Ultimate Productivity Secrets Revealed – MP3 Home Study Course

13 Jun, 2015

This home study course on Productivity includes Audios, Manuals, and Transcripts designed so that you will learn: The #1 Secret to Overcome Being B.U.S.Y. How to Find More Time in Your Schedule 4 Steps to Stop Procrastinating For Good Strategies to Attacking Your Nemesis – The ‘To Do’ List How to Avoid Productivity Pitfalls How […]

Book Writing Blueprint – MP3 Home Study Course

11 Jun, 2015

In this premiere book writing program, you can work through the audios, manuals, transcripts, and action guides to: Instantly establish yourself as an expert in your field Build a list of loyal rabid fans who want to hire and buy from you Easily get media interviews, partners, and speaking engagements Generate traffic from your ideal […]

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